Rapat Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa BaruMeeting of Selection Admissions

Hari Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015 bertempat di ruang Mawar Gedung Pascasarjana-Unsoed mulai jam 08.00 berlangsung rapat yang dihadiri oleh Pimpinan Universitas, Program Pascasarjana, Para Pengelola dan Komisi Program Studi. Salah satu dari agenda rapat tersebut adalah penentuan penerimaan mahasiswa baru.

Menurut informasi yang kami terima kemungkinan hasil seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa baru Program Pascasarjana-Unsoed semester ganjil TA. 2015/2016 adalah sebagai berikut:

Program Magister

  1. Ilmu Lingkungan : Jumlah pendaftar 16 yang diterima 12
  2. Ilmu Peternakan : Jumlah pendaftar 11 yang diterima 11
  3. Agronomi : Jumlah pendaftar 15 yang diterima 15
  4. Ilmu Ekonomi : Jumlah pendaftar 17 yang diterima 15
  5. Ilmu Akutansi : Jumlah pendaftar 38 yang diterima 28
  6. Ilmu Administrasi : Jumlah pendaftar 49 yang diterima 45
  7. Magister Manajemen : Jumlah pendaftar 75 yang diterima 62
  8. M.Si Manajemen : Jumlah pendaftar 19 yang diterima 18
  9. Ilmu Hukum : Jumlah pendaftar 91 yang diterima 75
  10. Biologi : Jumlah pendaftar 28 yang diterima 25
Program Doktor
  1. Ilmu Manajemen : Jumlah pendaftar 34 yang diterima 15
  2. Ilmu Biologi : Jumlah pendaftar 3 yang diterima 2
  3. Ilmu Pertanian : Jumlah pendaftar 9 yang diterima 8
Hal tersebut masih berupa informasi mentah, hasil kepastiannya menunggu Surat Keputusan dari Rektor Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 held at the Rose-Unsoed Graduate Building began at 08:00 lasted a meeting attended by the Executive Board, Postgraduate School, the business and the Commission Program. One of the agenda of the meeting is the determination of the new admissions.

According to information we have received likely outcome of selection new student admission Postgraduate Program-Unsoed odd semester TA. 2015/2016 are as follows:

Master of Program

  1. Environmental Science: The number of applicants 16, who received 12
  2. Animal Science: The number of applicants 11, who received 11
  3. Agronomy: The number of applicants 15, who received 15
  4. Economy: The number of applicants 17, who received 15
  5. Science Accounting: The number of applicants 38, who received 28
  6. Administration: The number of applicants 49, who received 45
  7. Master in Management: The number of applicants 75, who received 62
  8. M.Si Management: The number of applicants 19, who received 18
  9. Jurisprudence: The number of applicants 91, who received 75
  10. Biology: The number of applicants 28, who received 25
Doctoral of Program
  1. Management Science: The number of applicants 34, who received 15
  2. Biological Sciences: The number of applicants 3, who received 2
  3. Agricultural Sciences: The number of registrants 9, who received 8
It is still a raw information, certainty waited the results of the Decree of the Rector Jenderal Soedirman University.